Rickey v. Baller, Inc.

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What is this Lawsuit About?

The Lawsuit alleges that Baller, Inc. (“Defendant” or “Baller”) enrolled California consumers in automatically renewing subscriptions for its live and recorded video of youth and collegiate athletic events, and posted charges to the consumer’s credit card, debit card, or third-party payment account, without first presenting the consumer with all of the automatic renewal offer terms in a clear and conspicuous manner as required by California law.

Defendant denies all of the claims in the Lawsuit and the Court has not decided which party is right. The parties have agreed to a Settlement to provide certain benefits to eligible Class Members and to resolve the case without any admission of liability or wrongdoing.

Am I a Class Member?

You are a class member if you were a resident of California between February 14, 2019 and June 6, 2023, and purchased a subscription through the website www.BallerTV.com, and did not receive a full refund.

What Does the Settlement Provide?

Baller, Inc. will pay a Settlement Amount of $1,925,000. The Settlement Amount, plus any interest thereon, will be used to pay Class Counsel’s attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses (as approved by the Court), any service payment that the Court may award to the Class Representative and up to two other Class Members who assisted Class Counsel, the expenses of settlement administration (including class notice), and the settlement payments to the Class Members. After the court-approved deductions, the Net Settlement Amount will be equally distributed among Participating Class Members.


DO NOTHING If you do not object to the Settlement or exclude yourself from the Settlement, you will still receive a Settlement Payment.

Click here to submit a Payment Method.

EXCLUDE YOURSELF FROM THE SETTLEMENT BY NOVEMBER 8, 2024. Excluding yourself, or “opting out,” is the only option that allows you to ever be part of another lawsuit against Baller for the legal claims resolved by this Settlement. If you exclude yourself from the Settlement, you will not receive any compensation from the Settlement, but you will retain whatever legal rights you may have against Defendant

For detailed information about how to exclude yourself, see the Long Form Notice here.

OBJECT TO THE SETTLEMENT BY NOVEMBER 8, 2024 Mailing an objection is the only way to tell the Court that you are unhappy with any aspect of the Settlement.

For Detailed information about how to object to the settlement, see the Long Form Notice here.